Annual conference on european copyright law 2012

Annual conference on european copyright law 2012Trier, 10-11 May 2012

This conference will analyse the increasing role played by the ECJ in interpreting EU copyright law and will provide intellectual property law practitioners with an in-depth analysis of the landmark judgments of the ECJ in the field of copyright and related rights.
Key topics
Exhaustion of copyrights
Relationship between copyright and competition law: from the ECJ judgments Coditel II (C-262/81) and Magill (C-418/01) to the European Commission‚s CISAC decision
Exceptions and limitations in the Information Society Directive (Directive 2001/29), including fair compensation for reproductions (C-467/08 Padawan), copying for private use (C-462/09 Stichting de Thuiskopie) and remuneration of authors for public lending (C-271/10 VEWA v Belgium)
The concept of communication to the public (C-306/05 SGAE v Rafael Hoteles)
The notion of originality and the scope of exception for the purpose of public security: ECJ case Maria-Ewa Painer (C-145/10)
The future of exclusive licence agreements and the accessibility of broadcasting services (C 403/08 and C 429/08 Football Association Premier League Ltd and Media Protection Services Ltd)
Copyright versus the protection of privacy in electronic communications: the responsibility of internet service providers (C-70/10 SABAM)

Who should attend?

Lawyers in private practice, in-house counsel and other practitioners of law dealing with copyright and intellectual property law, internet law and consumer law.

Language: English, German
Organiser: Florence Hartmann-Vareilles, ERA
Event number: 212R19

For further information and online registration, please, click HERE

Source: ERA

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