Archive: August, 2020


Promoting international security and stability in cyberspace

The Council of the European Union has decided to impose restrictive measures against six individuals and three entities responsible for or involved in various cyber-attacks. The measures include a travel ban and an asset freeze. Also, EU persons and entities are forbidden from making funds available to those listed.

Have your say!… on the EU Intellectual Property Action Plan.

Have your say!… on the EU Intellectual Property Action Plan.

The European Commission would like to hear your views. Article 11 of the Treaty on European Union states the duty of the European Commission to consult citizens and stakeholders, representing EU Member States, businesses and civil society organisations in all areas of Union action. It aims at increasing the EU’s democratic legitimacy and accountability in […]

the trademark

The proof of use of a trademark for services rendered outside the territory in which it is registered

Spain: The scenarios in which proof of use can be required have increased. Thereby, in opposition, invalidity and revocation proceedings, the party being attacked can request the proof of use of the other party’s trademark (in addition to the revocation procedure for lack of use and as a defense in the scenario of the infringement).

Spain: The scenarios in which proof of use can be required have increased. Thereby, in opposition, invalidity and revocation proceedings, the party being attacked can request the proof of use of the other party’s trademark (in addition to the revocation procedure for lack of use and as a defense in the scenario of the infringement).
оперативна програма

Оперативна програма „Иновации и конкурентоспособност” мярка «Подкрепа на микро и малки предприятия за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19»

На 04.08.2020 г Ай Пи фор ол ООД стартира изпълнението на проект във връзка с преодоляване недостига на средства и липсата на ликвидност, настъпили в резултат от епидемичния взрив от COVID-19. Проектът се изпълнява в рамките на Оперативна програма „Иновации и конкурентоспособност” мярка «Подкрепа на микро и малки предприятия за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от […]

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