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State council discusses new strategy for the intellectual property of Kosovo
On July 22, 2014, at the Ministry of Trade and Industry the Intellectual Property State Council held a meeting. The meeting discussed Kosovo Intellectual Property system’s challenges and progress as well as the new strategy for Intellectual Property Right 2015-2018. The Council members’ recommendation for the new strategy was focused on working harder for establishing partnership […]
On July 22, 2014, at the Ministry of Trade and Industry the Intellectual Property State Council held a meeting. The meeting discussed Kosovo Intellectual Property system’s challenges and progress as well as the new strategy for Intellectual Property Right 2015-2018. The Council members’ recommendation for the new strategy was focused on working harder for establishing partnership […]

Kosovo deserves membership in the World Intellectual Property Organisation
Kosovo meets the criteria for membership in World Intellectual Property Organisation and this should happen, as it does not represent only a right, but a necessity too for advancement of protecting the intellectual property in our country. This is what the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Memli Krasniqi said in the conference titled “the […]
Kosovo meets the criteria for membership in World Intellectual Property Organisation and this should happen, as it does not represent only a right, but a necessity too for advancement of protecting the intellectual property in our country. This is what the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Memli Krasniqi said in the conference titled “the […]

Kosova ka kompletuar infrastrukturën ligjore në fushën e pronësisë industriale
Prishtinë, 12.11.2013 Organizuar nga Ministria e Tregtisë dhe Industrisë, Ministria e Kulturës Rinisë dhe Sportit, Dogana e Kosovës dhe Këshilli Shtetëror për Pronësi Industriale, të martën në Prishtinë është mbajtur konferenca me temën: “Të Drejtat e Pronësisë Intelektuale”. Pjesëmarrësit në konferencë theksuan se të drejtat intelektuale janë shumë të rëndësishme për zhvillimin e mëtejmë të […]

Kosovo has completed the legal infrastructure in the field of industrial property
Prishtina, 12/11/2013 Organized by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Customs National Council for Kosovo and Industrial Property, Tuesday in Pristina was held conferences topic: “Intellectual Property Rights”. Participants at the conference stressed that intellectual property rights are very important for further development of the Kosovo economy, to promote innovation, […]
Prishtina, 12/11/2013
Organized by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Customs National Council for Kosovo and Industrial Property, Tuesday in Pristina was held conferences
topic: “Intellectual Property Rights”.
Participants at the conference stressed that intellectual property rights are very important for further development of the Kosovo economy, to promote innovation, […]

New GI Law Enters into Force in Kosovo
The new Law on Geographical Indications (GIs) and Designations of Origin (DOs) entered into force in Kosovo on July 19, 2013. According to the new law, GIs can be registered at Kosovo’s IPO. Any GI in the name of a region, a specific place or in special cases the name of a state, which is […]
The new Law on Geographical Indications (GIs) and Designations of Origin (DOs) entered into force in Kosovo on July 19, 2013. According to the new law, GIs can be registered at Kosovo’s IPO. Any GI in the name of a region, a specific place or in special cases the name of a state, which is […]

Problems regarding piracy and counterfeiting
The task force established by Kosovo’s government to stop the sale of counterfeit goods is showing results and joining a trend of regional governments in aggressively targeting pirated materials. Authorities have confiscated thousands of counterfeit CDs and DVDs in the first week after the government’s announcement in August that they will have a zero-tolerance policy […]
The task force established by Kosovo’s government to stop the sale of counterfeit goods is showing results and joining a trend of regional governments in aggressively targeting pirated materials. Authorities have confiscated thousands of counterfeit CDs and DVDs in the first week after the government’s announcement in August that they will have a zero-tolerance policy […]

The office for industrial property of Republic of Kosovo
The office for industrial property of Republic of Kosovo is the newest office which has been founded in the region -19.03.2007 and soon it is celebrating its fourth anniversary. During this period the office has gained a lot of experience on fields such as administration and registration of rights and objects of industrial property. The […]
The office for industrial property of Republic of Kosovo is the newest office which has been founded in the region -19.03.2007 and soon it is celebrating its fourth anniversary. During this period the office has gained a lot of experience on fields such as administration and registration of rights and objects of industrial property. The […]

Qeveria miraton Strategjinë për Pronësi Intelektuale
Me vendimin nr. 10/128, Qeveria e Kosovës ka miratuar Strategjinë për Pronësi Intelektuale dhe Planin e Veprimit 2010 – 2014. Një vendim i tillë u morr në mbledhjen e rregullt të Qeverisë më 11 qershor 2010. Kjo strategji synon që të shërbejë si dokument politikë që siguron baraspeshën në mes të interesave të krijuesve dhe […]

Government approves the Intellectual Property Strategy
Intellectual property refers to intellectual creations: inventions, academic and artistic creation, symbols, names, images, etc. Authors of these creations can forbid others to use their creations without their prior approval. Intellectual property includes “industrial property” and “copyright”. With the decision no. 10/128 Kosovo Government approved the Strategy on Intellectual property and Action Plan 2010-2014. Such […]
Intellectual property refers to intellectual creations: inventions, academic and artistic creation, symbols, names, images, etc. Authors of these creations can forbid others to use their creations without their prior approval. Intellectual property includes “industrial property” and “copyright”. With the decision no. 10/128 Kosovo Government approved the Strategy on Intellectual property and Action Plan 2010-2014. Such […]