Archive: 29 Oct 2013

International Scientific and Practical Conference

International Scientific and Practical Conference

The Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) and the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property will hold the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Intellectual Property: A Look into the Future” timed to coincide with the 45th anniversary of the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property. The conference will take place in Moscow on October 30-31, […]

The Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) and the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property will hold the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Intellectual Property: A Look into the Future” timed to coincide with the 45th anniversary of the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property. The conference will take place in Moscow on October 30-31, […]
ФАС наказала табачную компанию за приобретение прав на легендарные сигареты "Родопи" и "Стюардесса"

ФАС наказала табачную компанию за приобретение прав на легендарные сигареты “Родопи” и “Стюардесса”

ФАС России наложила штраф на компанию “СаШиКо” и ее директора за недобросовестную конкуренцию на рынке легендарных в прошлом марок болгарских сигарет, сообщает пресс-служба антимонопольного ведомства. Напомним, ранее комиссия ФАС пришла к выводу, что действия и тактика ООО “СаШиКо”, связанные с введением в гражданский оборот сигарет “OPAL”, “РОДОПИ” (“RODOPI”), “BT” (“БТ”), “ИНТЕР”, “ТU-134”, “СТЮАРДЕССА” (“STEWARDESS”), являются […]

Hungary and Slovenia implement Common User Satisfaction Survey

Hungary and Slovenia implement Common User Satisfaction Survey

The Common User Satisfaction Survey is a Cooperation Fund project, which allows for a common approach to carrying out surveys across participating offices. It also allows for the cross-linkage of other projects such as Quality Standards. Hungary and Slovenia have now implemented the project, taking the number of integrated EU IP offices to 19. Implementations […]